E. M. Tuckerman
research scientist
Biomedical Research Unit, Jessop Wing, Sheffield UK
native language=English
field of enquiry=Biomedical science (The role of the endometrium in human implantation.)
19 May 2003

01. How would you describe the project/s you are currently working on to a non-scientist?
Think of the lining of the womb (or endometrium)as the soil that will nourish and protect an embryo so that it will successfully grow into a fully formed human baby. In order for this to happen the embryo has first to attatch itself to the surface of the 'soil', then strings of embryonic cells that are destined to become the placenta project finger like processess into the 'soil'. These serve to both anchour the embryo and to enable transfer of nutrients from mother to developing baby. Throughout this process the embryo and the mothers cells communicate via the release of molecules, some of which are essential to this implantation process. We and many others are involved in the identification of molecules that are essemtial for implantation and successful pregnancy in order to find out why some women experience multiple pregnancy loss.

02. Where, as a scientist, do you see the creativity in your work and/or life?
Creativity ...in the questions that we ask.....in the methods that are used....in getting the methods to work/or not....in the ethics of experimentation....in responding to other scientists work......in the images that are produced....in the direction that experimentation may take......in interpreting the world.

03. When you embark on research, do you start with a defined goal or does the goal emerge through the process?
Goal may emerge from previous research...ours or someone elses....or an unexpected result or observation, .....or the extension of previous research....or a chance remark....or the result of meeting with colleagues....reading a journal....in the current climate the usual method is to start with a defined goal otherwise you will not get funding....but new goals can emerge during the research process.

04. With regard to your research, how would you describe the processes and outcomes in terms of the concepts 'natural' and 'artificial'?
Natural ..... in regard to reproduction.....without medical intervention.
Artificial ....... fertilization outside of the body and mechanical replacement of an embryo. There are many stages in between that are difficult to define.

05. Where do you gain inspiration and support for your work?
Much of it is repetitive .....poorley paid.....but it's fascinating and a bit like doing puzzles....I just want to know how things work...it's part of life....

06. How are possible applications from your research determined?
Research is judged by peer review,.....likely looking applications are tested by multicentre trials.

07. Do you share a language with other scientists (across cultures)? If so please describe how this language works.
Most scientists in this field publish in English if not the internet is useful. the acronyms and abbreviations are common across languages.

08. Does your work encompass or involve a possible benefit (tangible or intangible) to society? If so, how would you describe this benefit to non-scientists?
Possible benefit to individuals as recurrent miscarriage and involuntary childlessness can cause incredible misery. In addition many of the processess we study may be of use in the understanding of immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus etc, as well as mechanisms that regulate the division of cancer cells.

09. Would you describe your future world view as pessimistic or optimistic? Why?
The planet will survive us, sometimes I'm not sure that humans deserve to ....in the end we will go the way of the dinosaurs thats a certainty.....the flaw is the structure of our societies....hunger and poverty could be eliminated if we had the will to do it.....so some days I'm a pessimist but mostly I remain a deluded optimist.

10. Do you believe you share this future world view with other scientists (in your field) or would you describe this view as personal?